Robby with Bird

Hi, I'm Robby

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I am a pastor serving a church in Kentucky. I enjoy backpacking, photography, and video games. I’m also passionate about theology, both learning and teaching it. You’ll find a little bit of all that and more right here. I hope you enjoy your time here browsing through my random thoughts!

Hi, I'm Robby

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I am a pastor serving a church in Kentucky. I enjoy backpacking, photography, and video games. I’m also passionate about theology, both learning and teaching it. You’ll find a little bit of all that and more right here. I hope you enjoy your time here browsing through my random thoughts!

The Latest

Racing Hearts, Resting Souls

Many retired derby horses call Old Friend’s Farm home. Here, they live out their retirement with luxury, befitting the professional athletes they are.

Masterson Station Mares

A walk through this park on a sunny afternoon ended in an encounter of the equine kind.

It’s Been Real, Harmony

Eight years ago, I joined Harmony Christian Church. Today, I leave an entirely different person. All things end. I’m grateful for all it all.

Racing Hearts, Resting Souls

Many retired derby horses call Old Friend’s Farm home. Here, they live out their retirement with luxury, befitting the professional athletes they are.

Masterson Station Mares

A walk through this park on a sunny afternoon ended in an encounter of the equine kind.

It’s Been Real, Harmony

Eight years ago, I joined Harmony Christian Church. Today, I leave an entirely different person. All things end. I’m grateful for all it all.

On The Blog

Review: Real-Life Discipleship

Review: Real-Life Discipleship

Real-Life Discipleship by Jim Putnam is a thought-provoking book that highlights the crucial need for an intentional process in creating disciples. Putnam effectively argues that attending church and participating in religious rituals alone are not sufficient for true discipleship. He emphasizes the importance of engaging the head, heart, and hands to reflect the teachings of Jesus. By outlining clear stages of discipleship that align with human development, Putnam provides a practical framework that can be implemented in any ministry environment. While he could have provided more guidance on adapting the strategy to individual churches, the book’s solid theological foundation and actionable insights make it an essential read for ministry leaders seeking to transform their congregations into vibrant communities of discipleship.

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How to be a Disciple

How to be a Disciple

Over the last nine posts in this series, we’ve explored what discipleship is and how it is done. Discipleship is a life long commitment to become more like Jesus. It’s intense, difficult, and sometimes exhausting, but it’s ultimately rewarding. You were created to be a disciple and to make disciples, so now go live it!

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Review: Real-Life Discipleship

Review: Real-Life Discipleship

Real-Life Discipleship by Jim Putnam is a thought-provoking book that highlights the crucial need for an intentional process in creating disciples. Putnam effectively argues that attending church and participating in religious rituals alone are not sufficient for true discipleship. He emphasizes the importance of engaging the head, heart, and hands to reflect the teachings of Jesus. By outlining clear stages of discipleship that align with human development, Putnam provides a practical framework that can be implemented in any ministry environment. While he could have provided more guidance on adapting the strategy to individual churches, the book’s solid theological foundation and actionable insights make it an essential read for ministry leaders seeking to transform their congregations into vibrant communities of discipleship.

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How to be a Disciple

How to be a Disciple

Over the last nine posts in this series, we’ve explored what discipleship is and how it is done. Discipleship is a life long commitment to become more like Jesus. It’s intense, difficult, and sometimes exhausting, but it’s ultimately rewarding. You were created to be a disciple and to make disciples, so now go live it!

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Disciples Make Other Disciples

Disciples Make Other Disciples

A disciple hasn’t really completely made it until they make another disciples. The truth is that disciples reproduce. This is God’s plan for the world. Someone leads us into a relationship with Christ and pours into us so that we pour into others. This is also the most difficult step in discipleship. If making ourselves into disciples is hard, then making others is even harder.

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Through The Lens

Returning to Cincinnati Zoo

Returning to Cincinnati Zoo

I returned to the Cincinnati zoo to take more photos of the wonderful animals that call it home. It was a cloudy day, but many of the animals were active and ready to pose for their pictures.

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From The Pulpit

Check the Receipts

Check the Receipts

Do you really know who Jesus is? Jesus tells us who he is through the miracles he did. People respond differently to the miracles that Jesus performed, and we can find these same responses in ourselves. Are you carried along in your faith like the paralytic through the roof, using Jesus like the nine lepers, or do you really and truly see Jesus as your Lord? It’s time to meet Jesus, because once you truly meet Jesus, He will change your life.

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Made in God’s Image

Made in God’s Image

We are all made in the image of God and the world wants us to forget this. Instead, they offer a fallen image that we are tempted to pursue instead. The world also wants us to forget that others are also made in the image of God, because how we see others affects how we see ourselves. Instead, we should work to live up to the image of God by seeing ourselves and others as image bearers of God.

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Made by God

Made by God

Everyone wants to be wanted. It’s how we understand our self worth. We can define our worth by what we can do for the world, which enslaves us to the fallen standard of the world. We can also define our worth by what others think, which forces us to abandon who we really are to please others. Instead our real worth comes from God who made us. God thinks we’re priceless, if only we can see ourselves as God sees us.

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Review: Real-Life Discipleship

Review: Real-Life Discipleship

Real-Life Discipleship by Jim Putnam is a thought-provoking book that highlights the crucial need for an intentional process in creating disciples. Putnam effectively argues that attending church and participating in religious rituals alone are not sufficient for true discipleship. He emphasizes the importance of engaging the head, heart, and hands to reflect the teachings of Jesus. By outlining clear stages of discipleship that align with human development, Putnam provides a practical framework that can be implemented in any ministry environment. While he could have provided more guidance on adapting the strategy to individual churches, the book’s solid theological foundation and actionable insights make it an essential read for ministry leaders seeking to transform their congregations into vibrant communities of discipleship.

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How to be a Disciple

How to be a Disciple

Over the last nine posts in this series, we’ve explored what discipleship is and how it is done. Discipleship is a life long commitment to become more like Jesus. It’s intense, difficult, and sometimes exhausting, but it’s ultimately rewarding. You were created to be a disciple and to make disciples, so now go live it!

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Disciples Make Other Disciples

Disciples Make Other Disciples

A disciple hasn’t really completely made it until they make another disciples. The truth is that disciples reproduce. This is God’s plan for the world. Someone leads us into a relationship with Christ and pours into us so that we pour into others. This is also the most difficult step in discipleship. If making ourselves into disciples is hard, then making others is even harder.

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