Month: April 2023

Here's the posts on Month: April 2023

The Role of Christian Higher Education

The Role of Christian Higher Education

A key part of holistic discipleship is education. Learning and growing in the knowledge of Christ is very important. When most people think of christian education, their minds immediately go to institutions of higher education, such as seminary. What is the role of these institutions in discipleship, and how can the church partner with these institutions to further develop disciples?

Check the Receipts

Check the Receipts

Do you really know who Jesus is? Jesus tells us who he is through the miracles he did. People respond differently to the miracles that Jesus performed, and we can find these same responses in ourselves. Are you carried along in your faith like the paralytic through the roof, using Jesus like the nine lepers, or do you really and truly see Jesus as your Lord? It’s time to meet Jesus, because once you truly meet Jesus, He will change your life.

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