About Me

Robert is a mission-lead leader who has a heart for the hurting and a passion for God’s Kingdom.

I’m Robby frisone

Robby first attended church in the 2nd grade after a friend invidted him over for a sleep over. Shortly after, he began following Christ. Robby answered the call to ministry in middle school and began interning with his youth pastor.

Robby graduated from Point University in 2014 with his batchelor’s of Biblical studies and began serving at Destination Church as their children’s pastor. In 2015, Robby began serving at Harmony Christian Church as their children’s and technology pastor. He transitioned to the role of student pastor in 2020.

He finished his Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Redemption Seminary in 2022. In 2023, he decided to follow God’s call and leave his position at Harmony to pursue a future serving as a discipleship pastor. In 2024, he began doing just that by serving at North Pointe Church in Lutz, FL, where he continues to serve to this day.

Years in Ministry

Years of Education


Lock-ins Survived

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”

-C.S. Lewis

My Skills

I write and preach sermons, develop curriculum, form and execute discipleship plans, enhance church technology, grow leaders, manage teams, and engage communities with God’s Word.

Robby loves learning about scripture and showing others the amazing wealth of wisdom found within it. Robby finds his passion in writing sermons, forming disciplship plans, and mentoring others. The work of a pastor is more than just preaching and teaching, though, and key part of Robby’s ministry passions is showing others the heart of God through serving them. A particular interest of Robby’s is finding novel ways to grow God’s Kingdom through the use to technology.

  • Discipleship
  • Leadership
  • Character
  • Passion

My Resume

Robby's Work Experience
About Me

Preaching examples

Standard Sermon

Creative Sermon