The Blog

A collection of my random thoughts on church, theology, art, and just other random things. There’s a little of everything here.

Review: The Confessions

Review: The Confessions

St. Augustine’s Confessions is a foundational work of the western Church. Within, St. Augustine explores the deepest depths of the human soul, muses on the relationship between humanity and sin, and explores the nature of God and creation. It is a profound work of the early church that should not be missed.

Augustine’s Search for God

Augustine’s Search for God

Who is God? It’s a universal question that everyone, even non-Christians, ponder. We are all seeking answers to who we believe God is. Even hundreds of years ago, Augustine, the bishop of Hippo, wondered the same thing, and he shares about his search in a poem he wrote in his confessions.

The Problem with WWJD

The Problem with WWJD

In my small group this week, we asked the question,”Who has Jesus been to you?” It’s a really good question. Everyone in group had different answers, including myself. Jesus has been many things to me. He’s, of course, my savior, but He’s also a role model. In fact, recently that is what I have been focusing on the most in my relationship with Him. Many of us know Jesus as our savior, friend, counselor, and brother, but how many of us treat Jesus as a role model? Many of us know that we should be like Jesus, but how many of us would say that Jesus is our role model?

How Do You Do?

How Do You Do?

Jesus was a man of action. He didn’t just teach; He also did the things He was teaching. As Christians, Jesus calls all of us to not only be listeners but to be doers. This isn’t even debatable. Throughout the teachings of the New Testament Jesus constantly challenges His followers to not simply hear the words He says, but to put His teachings into practice. Many Christians think they are doers of the word, but in reality, they are not. Satan has tricked them into confusing in action for action and here’s how it happens.

In Defense of Lazy

In Defense of Lazy

Yes, I admit that I am a lazy person, but I think laziness gets a bad rap. When most people think of a lazy person they probably envision someone who has little ambition, no drive, terrible work ethic, and they are extremely unproductive. I would have to disagree. I think you can still be lazy and be ambitious, driven, have a great work ethic, and be productive. They are not mutually exclusive traits. In fact, I would say that I am all of those things because I am lazy. 

Responding to Terrorism

Responding to Terrorism

Following the attacks in Manchester, England, people are finding themselves again facing the darkness of terrorism. As people of light, how do we as Christians respond to these terrible acts?

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Made by God

Made by God

Everyone wants to be wanted. It’s how we understand our self worth. We can define our worth by what we can do for the world, which enslaves us to the fallen standard of the world. We can also define our worth by what others think, which forces us to abandon who we really are to please others. Instead our real worth comes from God who made us. God thinks we’re priceless, if only we can see ourselves as God sees us.